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NTEP Plans New
Perennial Ryegrass
Trial for 1999

In fall 1999, NTEP will establish a new national trial of perennial ryegrass. This trial will be planted and evaluated at approximately thirty official test locations across the USA and Canada. In addition, ancillary tests will be planted at several locations. Ancillary tests are specialized evaluations of the grasses in the official test. Ancillary test data is included at the end of NTEP progress reports - data from ancillary test locations is not summarized with data from official test locations. Ancillary tests that will be conducted for the new perennial ryegrass entries include traffic (three locations), gray leafspot (three locations), red thread and winterhardiness. More details on this trial will be available in future Newsline issues.

Advisory committees make recommendations on locations, management, standard entries and ancillary studies for NTEP trials. Advisory committee members for the new perennial ryegrass trial are Dr. Frank Rossi, Cornell Univ., Dr. Gwen Stahnke, Washington State Univ., Dr. Jack Fry, Kansas St. Univ., Dr. Craig Edminster, International Seeds, Inc., Dr. Don Floyd, Pickseed West, Inc. and Kevin Morris, NTEP, Chair. If you have any comments or suggestions for this trial, please contact one of the above individuals. We sincerely appreciate all their efforts!

NTEP on the Web!

Visit the NTEP World Wide Web ( site and find lots of data on commercially available and experimental grasses, their characteristics and performance in many different areas.

"Click" on National Turf Evaluation Data and find current and past issues of progress reports for Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, fineleaf fescue, bentgrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss, st. augustinegrass and zoysiagrass. Go to Directory of Commercial Seed Companies to locate a variety or its owner. Read up on an overview of NTEP and our policies. View past Newsline issues. Or send a comment to the NTEP Policy Committee.

NTEP Web Site Address

The latest information to be "posted on the site" is our Preliminary Report for 1998 (see story on page one). Progress reports containing 1998 data will be posted on the web site as soon as they are completed. Please visit us on the web and be sure to email us with any comments, criticisms or suggestions you have for improving the site. Thanks!

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1. Palm Springs, CA
2. Arizona
3. South Texas
4. Dallas, Texas
5. Gulf Coast states
    (Miss. or Alabama)
6. Central Florida
7. Myrtle Beach, SC
8. Virginia
9. Atlanta, GA
10. St. Louis, MO

Trials will be planted in fall 1999 and repeated in fall 2000. Each trial will be established and evaluated by a cooperating university turfgrass scientist. The host club will maintain the test area in the same manner as the rest of their fairways. Data will be collected on establishment rate, turfgrass quality, color, rate or speed of transition from bermuda to overseeding grass in fall and from overseeding grass to bermuda in spring. Data will also be collected on damage from traffic, disease, insects, divoting, frost, etc. as it occurs.

Although this trial is intended for commercially available varieties and those close to commercialization, blends of varieties and mixtures of species such as poa trivialis will also be accepted.

We feel this trial will generate much needed data on performance of grasses used in overseeding. Please watch the NTEP Newsline for further details.

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